Sunday, May 17, 2009

What influence do class, religion, language, and culture have on my relationships and my decisions?

Well, my relationships always affect groups of friends and sometimes family. I think that every relationship anybody have affect any group of people. I had many relationships that ended friendships with other people because they don’t like them. Then I have to make choices on if I stay with that person and let the guy or girl go or I end the relationship with that female and keep my relationship. I don’t always pick to end the relationship and sometimes I do. Since I go with a female my friends don’t want to talk to me, they don’t want to be my friend. Usually I say o well and stay with my girl and sometimes I tell my girl that the relationship we got are ruining friendship.

HoHow do my relationships within and across grops affect others?

Well, my relationships always affect groups of friends and sometimes family. I think that every relationship anybody have affect any group of people. I had many relationships that ended friendships with other people because they don’t like them. Then I have to make choices on if I stay with that person and let the guy or girl go or I end the relationship with that female and keep my relationship. I don’t always pick to end the relationship and sometimes I do. Since I go with a female my friends don’t want to talk to me, they don’t want to be my friend. Usually I say o well and stay with my girl and sometimes I tell my girl that the relationship we got are ruining friendship.

How do I relate to my family, my community, and society?

I relate to my family in so many ways. We laugh together, play basketball and football together. We all act alike in everything we do. We all enjoy having family get together. Without my family there’s nothing to live for because blood is thicker than water. Friends can’t take over family. When it comes to my community I will be honest I’m nothing like my community and I don’t want to be anything like it. Well the society and I have a lot in common. Without Society there are no people and without people there’s no society. Society didn’t build itself, the people do.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who was your most influential teacher?

Who was my most infuential teacher? My most influential teacher i would say has to be Ms. Fuller. Ms. Fuller is 9th grade english teacher. She's the best teacher i've had all the days i've been in school. At times She is as sweet as candy but she is all about her business. She's the real reason why I mature since the beginning of the year. She prepared me for college even though she's an english teacher i feel like i can walk into a major college and take a test and ace it out the books. Before her last year i used to struggle to get even a B in english, and now you can check my report card and look and see that I have an A.
Do you feel you have grown since the beginning of the year? What are some of the things that caused this to happen? What caused it to not happen?

Yes, During this past year I have grown and got more mature. This school is more than a prep school for college, it's a prep school to prepare you to become an adult. This school is preparing you to make it in the real world. That you can't depend on mommy and daddy all your life. This school is real and they care about every single one of us. There's about at least 105 students in my school. After school I leave looking at the world in a diffrent eye. It's like I can breathe better. I walk out with my head held high everyday.

Do you believe that the media portrays young black students in a positive light?

Yes and no, I do think the media portrays young black students in a positive light, but sometimes it gets out of hand. There are some channels that pretty much portrays young black students. Usually on the news its about something gang related violence that involved young black students or a fight breaks out at a local high school that involves black high school students. A young African American gets shot in a gang related tragedy. On a positive note they have networks that are for young black students that are in high school or college. BET shows $many diffrent shows that relate to African Americans. I watch it everyday all day. Some shows are funny and some shows are inspirational.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What could Hiram, or anyone else, have done, or do to stop a crime?

Hiram could have stop R.C from doing that to Emmett. Hiram just stood there and let it happened. What happened to the boys Emmett was with that day? Hiram should feel bad for what he did when R.C. did that to him. I wouldn’t hang out with R.C. from Jump Street. Hiram should have known that if he was that bad when he was little then he was going to be even worse when they are adults. If the other boys Emmett was with went down there where R.C and Hiram was at that accident would never happened. I feel as if the sheriff really didn’t care because Emmett was black. Hiram did do a good thing though he told the sheriff well the sheriff’s deputies that R.C was going with Mz. Bryant husband and his friends to “teach Emmett a lesson”. It’s a shame to how they tortured and killed Emmett for whistling at a white woman. The boy was only 14 years old he didn’t know better.

Why does Racism Exist?

I think that Racism exist for the purpose of nothing. Racism exists because of the way people are; say if someone’s white they can’t stand anyone black because there are not like them. People don’t like other people because of race, skin color or gender. Racism exists because someone wants to feel as if they are better than someone because of skin color, height, and even how smart you are. I will never support racism I don’t mess with people who are racist. I think because of the slavery in the 1600s black people will be forever traumatized. If people could stop racism the world will be a better place. Some people didn’t vote for Barack Obama because he was an African-American. Some people voted Barack because he was black and when there is a white and black senator running they want the first black president to see how the economy will be like. The thing is that you can’t get rid of racism people can try and try and try but it will never disappear. Racism is like teasing somebody. The story of Emmett Till is a good example of racism because he was killed for whistling at a white woman. Racism is pure ignorance everybody who is racist is ignorant.