Friday, April 23, 2010

What is athe effect of comparing a ship on the horizon to a man's dream

A ship on the horizon is a metaphor because it isn’t possible for that to happen. The horizon on the water is like the sunset looking like it’s going into the water. A ship can never touch the horizon, no matter how far it goes. The only way a ship can touch the horizon is if it flies into outer space, but even then the sun is too far to reach. So when it’s comparing to a man’s dream it’s saying that a man can dream but it never come true no matter how far they try to reach for it. This is a good metaphor and I can relate to it because right now that’s how my dream is feeling. I want to be a famous rapper but it’s so hard for it to come true. I constantly go to the studio and make songs and I feel like my dream is almost coming true but I can’t reach it.

What are the first two paragraphs saying about the difference between the dreams of men and women?

Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by time. That is the life of men.
Now, women forget all of these things they don’t want to remember, and remember everything they don’t want to forget. The dream is the truth. Then they act and do things accordingly.
This is explaining the difference between female dreams and male dreams. The first paragraph means that our dreams sail long forever but some come true and some don’t. “For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation.” This means that some of our dreams can never come true because there is always something in your path. Then when it says “Never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation” it means that they only come true when that something in your way looks to a different direction or it moves out of your way. If the “Watcher” continues to be in your way of your dreams then they will never come true, and you will continue to only dream. Women dreams are different. When females dream or have a certain goal that comes in a dream then however the dream says to do it, then they will follow accordingly.

Why are dreams and dreaming important to self-discovery?

Dreams are the most important thing to self discovery. Dreams let you know about yourself sometimes. Dreaming is the first step to self- discovery. Let’s say you want to be a famous rapper. You wanted to be this for as long as you remember, all you do is work harder and harder to reach your goal. Sometimes you discover something new about your style. You can learn how lyrically experienced you are. So every day you write a song or you put a beat on and freestyle. Then you notice that you get better and better. You learn that your mind can expand to words you never used before. So now you put it in your raps. You learn a lot by your goals and your dreams. You can even learn something about yourself even if it isn’t one of your dreams. Something I learned about myself was that I am a huge procrastinator. I am one of the biggest procrastinator at my school. I learned that last year when it was finals week and I had a paper to turn it and I did a couple nights before, even though she let us know like 2 months in advance. Dreams can make self –discovery even easier. You can have a goal and discover how hard you put yourself through something just to reach it. Dreams are your inner thoughts.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Chapter 3

"There are years that ask questions, and years that answer" (Hurston, 1937)

This quote goes to Janie because when Janie was sixteen she didn't know alot, so she had to ask. This quote is saying that you can ask questions but it may take years to answer. For example, you can ask yourself something personal like Who am I?. You may not be able to get the answer right away. You may have to go thru things and see how you coup with them, and that may take some years to do.

Chapter 2

"Maybe it's some place way off 9in the ocean where de black manis in power, but we don't know nothin' but what we see" (Nanny)

To me this means like people only know what they see. For example, a person could be a follower or something like that and when they see somebody else do something that mean they should do it too. So now if they are ny their selves they're going to think they should do it. I think this saying is pretty much the same as Monkey see monkey do.

"Have some sympathy fuh me. Put me down east, Janie, Ah'm a cracked plate" ( Nanny)

I really like this statement or quote because to me it actually make sense after Nanny explained what happen. Pretty much she is saying that Nanny had many problems and she was getting old and ever since they day her daughter got raped, she didn't want to see Janie end like her mother. All of this came up when she saw Jannie kiss Johnny.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Chapter 1

'' Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board" (Hurston, 1937)

I think this means that every ship or mind always have a wish on it. What you want sometimes is a long distances away. Sometimes its a long journey to get your wishes and there might be obstacles in your way. It could be saying that it may be far away so have patience.