Monday, March 28, 2011

Ralph's Entry #7

The smaller boys of the group were now called the "Littluns". They ranged from the ages of six and they lived a quite distinct life of their own. They ate mot of the day, picking fruit where their hands could reach. By this time they littluns were used to the annual stomach aches and chronic diarrhea. They played in the white sands of the beach and warm in the bright, clear blue waters. I expected them to cry for the mothers by now but I guess that wasn't the case. They built sand castles that was at least one foot high. It decorated with shells, flowers, and interesting stones. The littluns built walls around their sand castle with marks and tracks that were significant. Maurice and Roger, relieved from fire duty, came out the forest for a swim. Roger went through the little sand castles, kicking them over, burying the flowers , and scattering the interesting stones. The only littlun, Percival, cried with an eyeful of sands. I could tell that Maurice felt wrong after this as he ran into the water, but Roger, Roger stayed their watching the littluns with a twisted and gloomy face.

Ralph's Entry #6

This meeting was different then our first meeting. As soon as i blew the conch, our little platform were crowded. The choir had took their cloaks off and they now didn't look like a group. I first spoke of our expedition and all the sight we have seen. For a fact the place we are on an island. There are no houses, no footprints, no boats or docks, and no people. We need an army to hunt down the pigs around the island. Since there isn't any grownups we have to take care of ourselves.
The conch will represent who shall speak. Once the conch is in their hands it is that person's time to speak and everyone shall listen. We will have rules and lots of them. The little boys told me asked me what are we going to do about the "beastie". A snake-thing is what they called it. Lol that can't be true. He must have been dreaming obviously. We need to make a fire so the smoke can reach as far and as high as the mountaintops. Then someone would be able to see us

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ralph's Entry #5

So its me, Jack, and Simon on an expedition to find out if this place we are in is actually an island. We are climbing mountains trying to see. We had to climb through the roots and stems of creepers that you could easily get tangled in, but we were abled to moved up. We were hot, dirty, and exhausted. I eas badily scratched up because the creepers were as thick as my thighs and only left a little tunnel to penetrate. High over the end of the island we saw a huge rock the size of a small moter car. We heaved back and firth to catch a rhythem to the point it fell and smashed a hole in the forest. The way to the top after that was fairly easy. We ended up on the lip of a circular hollow in the side of the mountain. From here I can tell that it was an Island. This belonged to us. We stood there looking out to the sea. Now we are at the beginning of the thick forest in search of food. We found a piglet caught in some creepers and we rushed foward it while jack pulled out his knife. Jack raised his arm but pause right after. That pause caused the piglet to get out of the creepers and scurry into the forest. He should have stab the pig but jus t the thought of killing it....ew.

Ralph's entry #4

It's time to start our meeting. Establishing names, Johnny, the twins Sam and Eric, Jack, and piggy. Everyone laughed when i said Piggy's name. A storm of laughter emitted and piggy went pink. When the laughed died down we continued to name. There was Maurice, next in size to jack, he was broad and for some reason he kept grinning. A small and quiet boy who kept to hisself. He mubled his name Roger and the fell silent once again. Bill, Robert, Harold, Henry, and Simon. After the naming process Jack spoke about trying to be rescued. I think we need some sort of a chief here. Jack thought he should be the chief and he said in a arrogant way. Roger thought we should take a vote. That sounded like a great idea to everyone else. So it was official, we are going to take a vote. I was amazed because many thought i ought to be chief. Every hand went up for me besides the choir because they all voted for Jack, their choir leader. So i guess i'm the chief. Just to be fair I let Jack have the choir and the can be our army or hunters. I need time to think things out but first we have to figure out if this is an island. So me, Jack, and simon will go see if this an island. Piggy wanted to come so bad, but he wouldn't be any good on this job.

Ralph's Entry #3

After i blew the conch a child appeared among the palms. He looked to be at least six years of age, sturdy and fair, his clothes torn, and his face covered with a sticky mess of fruit. His pants were lowered for a a reasona nd had only been pulled back up halfway. I continued to blow the conch till voices shouted in the forest. The halway trousers boy's name was Johnny. Three small children, no older then johnny appeared. Then more and more started to show up. Piggy went around and asked the children their names while i continue to blow the conch. I noticed the last two bodies that came in. They were bullet headed, and Piggy asked their names. "Sam and Eric". I stop blowing the conch and sat there with the conch trailing from one hand and my head bowed on my knees. Then I saw a party of boys, marcing in step in two parallel lines. The boy that controlled them wore the same thing as the party of boys. Shorts, shirts, square black cap with a silver badge on it. Hidden by black cloaks which had a long silver cross on the left breast. The boy that controlled them hat was golden. The boy came over and asked who was the man with the trumpet. There was only me, but no trumpet. Thee boy in the golden cap was tall, thin, and bony and had red hair. He was ugly without silliness. His name was Jack

Ralph's Entry #2

Me and Piggy began to talk about how Piggy believes everyone is dead because of an atom bomb and because this is an island nobodty knows we are here. Then out the corner of my eye i see something cremy laying among the ferny weeds of the lagoon. It looks like a stone or maybe a shell. Then all of a sudden Piggy was lit up with decourous excitement. He says he has seen it someone's back wall called a conch. The shell was interesting and very pretty and a worthy plaything. I found myself getting very excited. Piggy says it's very expensive. I took the shell from Piggy and looked inside it. The insides were a deep cream with a fading pink. Piggy says we could use it to call others and have a meeting. I put the conch up to my mouth and blew but nothing came out but a rushing sound. I tried again and still the conch remained silent. One more time and the conch emitted a low, farting sound which i found amusing so i continued to do it. Pggy says that I had to blow from down here and he put his hand on my abdomen. I grapsed the idea and blew air from my diaphram This time sound actually came from it. It was a deep, harsh note that boomed from under the palms, spreaded through the forest and echoed back from the pink granite of the mountain. Wow.

Ralph Entry #1

Woke up in a strange place. It looks as if it's a island. At least I think so, as i climb down the last few feet of rocks and pick through the lagoon I hear a voice following me. "Hi" it said. "Wait a minute". Then I see the owner of the voice. The boy was on the heavy side and he wore glasses that he constantly kept wiping dirt off. The fat boy tells me that there was a pilot and other kids that may have been able to get out. I asked the fat boy were there any grown ups at all and the response put a grin on my face. No grown ups. I think the pilot flown off and dropped us here because he couldn't land here. I'm pretty sure he'll be back shortly. Shortly after awhile the fat boy told me his name, or what they used to call him in school. The fat boy's name was Piggy. I couldn't help but laugh and tease him. After I finished teasing and laughing at Piggy he hastened back into the forest and we see a great platform of pink granite thrust up through the forest. I decided to jump in to the water prepared to be disappointed by how deep it is, but I was fooled and the water was warmer then my blood. Piggy tiptoed down the sandy side of the pool and stood there neck up in water. I tell Piggy about my father and how he is a commander in the Navy. I'm sure he was going to come and rescue us.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Which decisions I make today will affect me for my entire life?

The decision i make today that can affect me for my entire life for example is a job. I am supposed to know what field i want to go into by the time I get out of high school. If i don't know what profession I want to be in then it can affect me in the near future because i would still be living at home with my mother in the basement with no goals or a job. I don't want that to happen so i have to decide what i like to do in life. I love studying the stars for example. So i would like to be a astroonomer when I am fully grown and capable of handling business on my home. I don't want to come out of highschool not knowing what job i want to do or even what college and major i want to be in. It si not in my nature to wait to do things the last minute and jobs and college are the most biggest decision in of my life.