Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ralph's entry #4

It's time to start our meeting. Establishing names, Johnny, the twins Sam and Eric, Jack, and piggy. Everyone laughed when i said Piggy's name. A storm of laughter emitted and piggy went pink. When the laughed died down we continued to name. There was Maurice, next in size to jack, he was broad and for some reason he kept grinning. A small and quiet boy who kept to hisself. He mubled his name Roger and the fell silent once again. Bill, Robert, Harold, Henry, and Simon. After the naming process Jack spoke about trying to be rescued. I think we need some sort of a chief here. Jack thought he should be the chief and he said in a arrogant way. Roger thought we should take a vote. That sounded like a great idea to everyone else. So it was official, we are going to take a vote. I was amazed because many thought i ought to be chief. Every hand went up for me besides the choir because they all voted for Jack, their choir leader. So i guess i'm the chief. Just to be fair I let Jack have the choir and the can be our army or hunters. I need time to think things out but first we have to figure out if this is an island. So me, Jack, and simon will go see if this an island. Piggy wanted to come so bad, but he wouldn't be any good on this job.

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