Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ralph's Entry #2

Me and Piggy began to talk about how Piggy believes everyone is dead because of an atom bomb and because this is an island nobodty knows we are here. Then out the corner of my eye i see something cremy laying among the ferny weeds of the lagoon. It looks like a stone or maybe a shell. Then all of a sudden Piggy was lit up with decourous excitement. He says he has seen it someone's back wall called a conch. The shell was interesting and very pretty and a worthy plaything. I found myself getting very excited. Piggy says it's very expensive. I took the shell from Piggy and looked inside it. The insides were a deep cream with a fading pink. Piggy says we could use it to call others and have a meeting. I put the conch up to my mouth and blew but nothing came out but a rushing sound. I tried again and still the conch remained silent. One more time and the conch emitted a low, farting sound which i found amusing so i continued to do it. Pggy says that I had to blow from down here and he put his hand on my abdomen. I grapsed the idea and blew air from my diaphram This time sound actually came from it. It was a deep, harsh note that boomed from under the palms, spreaded through the forest and echoed back from the pink granite of the mountain. Wow.

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